Yesterday, a particular news hit headlines that left innumerable people across the country in shock. A 39-year-old woman named Suchana Seth based out of Bengaluru who was the CEO of a startup named Mindful AI allegedly killed her 4-year-old son in Goa, stuffed his body inside a bag and headed towards Karnataka via a cab when she got caught. The woman is a data scientist and AI ethics expert and hence, why she committed such a heinous crime is something that is beyond people’s imagination.
A piece of very interesting news has popped up as an investigation is underway. According to Hindustan Times, the police visited the address that’s supposed to be of her office but found a co-working space instead of a particular office. Her ‘office’ does not have an actual office.
Suchana Seth also mentioned that she lived in an apartment in Bengaluru’s Thanisandra but when the police reached the spot, they found that she had vacated the apartment four months ago.
Seth originally hails from West Bengal and was in the midst of divorce proceedings and a custody battle with her husband, who hails from Kerala. The husband was in Indonesia at the time of the child’s murder. He has been asked to come down to Goa to record a statement.
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