‘Passion Fuels Purpose’ Woman With IIT Degree Leaves Corporate Job, Now Works As A Fitness Coach

A lot of us are stuck in a loop because we are working to earn that paycheck and not to fuel our passion. Sure, money is nice, but there’s nothing like creating something from the ground up that you truly believe in. When you’re passionate about what you do, it brings a deep sense of fulfilment.

Priyanka Gupta realised this one day and there was no looking back for her. She holds an IIT degree and worked for companies like Byju’s and Walmart. However, she gave up her comfortable 9-5 corporate job to build something from scratch.

She took to LinkedIn to talk about her journey. She left her MNC job and IIT pedigree to work as a fitness coach and help professionals live healthier and longer lives. However, today she is a fitness coach but she didn’t have this exact vision when she left her job.

“I left a big MNC and my IIT pedigree attachment. Now I help professionals stay fit and live longer. Like many of my fellow IIT buddies, right after graduation, I started chasing that golden ticket to financial stability. I was responsible for supporting my family and this was the most apparent path,” she wrote.

5 years into working a corporate job, she took her first break. It was then that she was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug. She wanted to build something from scratch and she even had an idea – to start a home-cooked food delivery business. But she didn’t have the courage to start it. So she went back to her 9-5 job.

“After 5 years, when I took my first break from work, I got bugged by entrepreneurship. Don’t know how. I wanted to start a home-cooked food delivery business. It didn’t start. I could not get enough courage. And got dragged into 9-to-5 again. The comfort of corporate life was cool and all, but there was this itch, you know? The kind that makes you crave something more, something you can truly call your own.”

The itch to start something of her own pushed her to start her first initiative, IndiaBookStore, which she eventually had to close but it taught her several lessons, like how passion fuels purpose.

“Turns out, passion beats a paycheck any day. Sure, money’s nice and all, but there is nothing like building something from scratch that you truly believe in. My first startup taught me some powerful lessons: 1. Passion fuels purpose. Sure, financial rewards matter, but true fulfilment comes from pursuing something that sets your soul on fire; 2. Embrace the roller coaster. Entrepreneurship has its highs and lows. Learn from your setbacks, celebrate your wins, and enjoy the ride; 3. Prioritise your health. It’s not just about physical fitness. A healthy body and mind are essential for a fulfilling life.”

Have a look at her full post here:

Pursuing your passion indeed leads to the kind of satisfaction that money alone can’t provide.

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