Steve Jobs’ Amusingly Lazy Pre-Apple Job Application May Get Auctioned For ₹3 Lakh

Who isn’t familiar with Steve Jobs, the guy who revolutionized technology for an entire generation? He once said, “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” And lived by example of those very words.

However, the visionary we all know was probably more like us than we think. At the age of 18, Steve Jobs did make some goof ups in his CV and they are hilarious.

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Some people are even calling him a lazy and indifferent teenager. But weren’t we all at that age!?

That is what is the take away from this CV he had made at 18 years of age for a job application.

This was filled out by Jobs in 1973 according to Fortune just three years before he and Steve Wozniak founded Apple.

At the time he had recently dropped out of Reed College, but was still hanging around auditing classes. The one page application hilariously provides very little information that would be relevant to someone wanting to employ him.

For his address he just simply wrote “reed college” (and didn’t even bother using capitals! Yeah, I know.) And he left the “Past Employment” section completely blank almost as if he were saying ‘Go figure!’

He was a little more thorough when it came to describing his skills and ambitions. He specified that his interests lay in “design, tech” under a computing skill item.

Under “Special Abilities,” he elaborated that his included “electronics tech or design engineer. digital. – from Bay near Hewitt-Packard.”

The CV is going to be auctioned in March and is expected to sell for upwards of $50,000. That’s supposedly because it includes Jobs’ signature, which an expert described as “incredibly scarce.”

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Almost nothing on this application screamed future tech industrial giant and billionaire. However, it does show how focused he was on his singular goal and that was technology. And look where we are today? His 1973 application may be sold for $50,000 or more!

So kids, if this stained and half-heartedly written CV could be written by Steve Jobs, you may have a shot in the world!

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