Man Shares New Way Of Eating Bagels, But The Idea Doesn’t ‘Cut It’ With Foodies

Some of the most passionate discussions and debates around the world revolve around food. Yes, really! From determining which cuisine is the most popular in the world to using mathematics to ascertain if one 18-inch pizza has more pizza than two 12-inch pizzas, we’ve done it all.

Another such debate took place when Alek Krautmann shared a post on Twitter recently. He introduced his colleagues (and the internet) to a new way of ordering and eating bagels – cutting them up like bread!

Alek originally hails from the city of St Louis where according to him this style of slicing bagels comes from. He declared the new idea a hit amongst his office mates but the tweeple were far from impressed. Many expressed their horror at the unusual style and claimed that this wasn’t the way food should be treated. The image ‘cut’ so many people the wrong way. So much so that even got involved.

The verdict was not in Alek’s favour and netizens decreed, ‘Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.’

There are some food-related debates that are completely polarizing and divide the internet. But there are others which are considered universal truths. Like dosa is great with non-vegetarian curry, dahi chawal is the best thing ever and bagels shouldn’t be sliced up. Capiche?

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