Russians Are Roasting Elon Musk With Memes Featuring Jugaad Inventions

elon musk

There is a certain misconception that Russians are dark and gloomy people with next to no sense of humour. They are often portrayed in movies as the sulking emo character who is rude to everyone. Good luck getting a smile out of them or having them crack a joke. That just ain’t happening.

However, as you would have it, turns out this stereotype is far from the truth. They are people just like you and me with a healthy dose of mirth in them. They are also amazing at roasting people on the Internet.

American engineer, inventor and business magnate Elon Musk has found himself in a barrage of memes showing off “super bootleggy life-hacky” inventions.

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The tweets aimed at the Tesla CEO is often captioned with “and how do you like this, Elon Musk?” According to Memepedia, the memes started sometime last October after a popular tweet about news of scientists from Novosibirsk having learned to smoke herring in the collider surfaced.

The tweet aimed at Musk asked, “How do you answer this, Ilon Mask ?!”

The memes show the stark contrast between the achievements of Elon Musk and the less than ideal technological advances made by Russia.

Check out some of the jugaads here:

1. Gotta keep them lightbulbs safe.

2. Is it just me, or does that toilet look evil?

3. Speaking of toilets, this one is rather ingenious tbh.

4. Totally trying this trick out the next time the door won’t frickin stay open.

5. Designer paperclip zippers.

6. Potholes? What potholes?

7. “While Elon Musk waits for coffee, I pour mine straight from the tap.”

8. Now that looks like one heck of a brew.

In conclusion:

These Russians have no chill yo. Maybe the tweets will inspire Musk to come up with innovative ideas on how to make coffee come out of a tap. In that case, keep em coming Russia.

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