20 Questions You Should Ask On Your First Date

First dates are always surrounded by the air of awkwardness. Most of us have gone through utterly crappy first dates because we don’t get enough conversation points to start with. The key to a great first date is a conversation starter.

So here a few conversation starters you can employ to get to know your date better and have an amazing time.

1. Where do you work? / What do you do at work?

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Because work is the biggest part of one’s life.


2. What kind of music do you listen to?

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Music has the power to unite the world. Do you think it can’t bring you closer?


3. What kind of movies do you like watching? Favorite movie of all time? Why so?

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See if your interests match. And if they don’t, you can explore each other’s preferences and have a new experience.


4. What kinds of things really make you laugh?

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So that you get to make them laugh as frequently as you can.


5. What were you like as a kid?

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So that you can be quirky along with them. 🙂


6. Tell me something that would never occur to me to ask you.

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A few skeletons in the closet give your date a mysterious edge.


7. Have you read any good books recently?

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Books are great at bringing people together. And the kind of books they read, tell a lot about one’s personality.


8. Have you traveled anywhere cool lately/do you have any trips coming up?

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Know how travel savvy is your date.


9. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

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I’d be a squirrel! ( You might get this answer if you are having a date in a park. 😛 )


10. What are you most proud of?

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This question reveals so much about a person…


11. What’s the boldest thing you’ve ever done?

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Because being crazy is awesome. Don’t you agree? 😉


12. Spill the details of your worst date ever!

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So that you know what not to do on this date and any possible future ones. 😀


13. Do you have any weird crushes on famous people that don’t make sense to you? (Be prepared to share yours, too. Even if it’s super-embarrassing.)

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Damn you, Ryan Gosling! 😛


14. Do you have a “lucky” object or article of clothing? Does it work?

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It was luck that made you swipe right. 😛


15. How old were you when you had your first crush? Or who was your first crush, tell me the story behind it!

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There’s always a funny incident that occurs with one’s first crush/relationship.


16. Name two things from your bucket list.

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See if you can find something that is on your bucket list too. An added bonus is that if you date more than once, you both can cross those things off together. 😉


17. What is one job you could never do?/ What was the worst job you’ve ever had?

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This is just for fun!


18. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

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Learn about the adventurous side of your date. 😉


19. How did you meet your best friend?

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Because if you end up dating each other, you’ll have to be friends with their best friends.


20. What do you think is your greatest strength/weakness?

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Find something to admire them even more.

Did any of these work for you?

Let us know in the comment section!

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