Elon Musk And Malala Yousafzai Had The Cutest Twitter Conversation & We’re Loving It!

Apart from giving the users a taste of what’s happening in the world right now, Twitter has done a tremendous job in bringing celebrities closer to the fans. The platform gives the laymen a direct access to the world of stars which was only a dream before the inception of the website.

What it has also done is that it has connected celebrities from different fields and parts of the world. While celebrity interactions are a common sight on the micro-blogging platform, we got another example of the same when SpaceX founder Elon Musk and Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai got involved in the cutest chat ever.


It all started with Clickhole, a branch of satirical news organization, The Onion, writing a piece on one of Musk’s biggest failures – sending Tesla to space. The news was shared on Twitter from Clickhole’s official handle with the hilarious title “More Bad Press For Elon: The Car Elon Musk Launched Into Orbit Has Fallen Back Down To Earth And Crushed Malala Yousafzai.”

Musk went on to share the news from his personal account adding his own dose of humour to it. However, the news reached the young Nobel Laureate in no time and she came up waving at the Tesla CEO!

Image source

Considering the activeness of Elon Musk on social media, you can already guess that he came up with a reply! Yes, he did and with a ghost emoji.

Malala continued the thread with her jocular claim of keeping the car which making it a gem of a convo!

Quite expectedly, the Tweeple went gaga over the adorable exchange of words between the two personalities and here is how they reacted.




They actually did a very good job!

From Los Angeles

Hi there!


What a sport!

The emojis were love!

True that!


One word – Epic

That’s a ghost, Elon!

Thank you for the treat, Elon, and Malala! This leaves us asking for more.

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