People List Bizarre Things They Keep Atop Their Fridges In Hilarious Twitter Thread

We Indians tend to utilize every free space of the house, be it the crawl space underneath the bed or space above the refrigerator. A random bowl with keys and old bills, a flowerpot, masks, and even sanitizers today sit atop refrigerators in many Indian households including mine.

But it’s not just us who make optimum utilization of this space. From salt guns to condom wrappers, some people tend to place some really bizarre things on the fridges. How do we know, you ask?

Well, a Twitter user wanted to know what are the things she could get if she was to break into people’s homes and steal all the things on top of their refrigerator. Hence, she posted the funny query on the microblogging site for people to respond to.

And like always, tweeple didn’t disappoint her. In fact, they made some really shocking revelations. Take a look at what all they place on top of their fridges.

Well, these are interesting responses. What do you have on your fridge? Tell us.

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