25-year-old Saurabh Kumar Ladda has a CV that is the dream of several Indians and corporate employees. He completed his BTech in Chemical Engineering from IIT Madras and an MBA in Strategy and Finance from IIM Calcutta. He was working as a Junior Associate at McKinsey & Company. However, recently, Saurabh Kumar Ladda died by suicide.
According to Moneycontrol, he allegedly jumped from the ninth-floor balcony of his apartment in Wadala, Mumbai. Authorities have cited “pressure at his workplace” as the reason behind his death.
“He had gone to Ahmedabad for work and after he returned around 10.30 pm, he allegedly went to the balcony and jumped,” a police officer revealed.
His flatmates, family and close ones are being interrogated to understand the kind of mental state he was in when he committed the act. The police have come across a few messages wherein he spoke about experiencing work pressure.
However, Saurabh’s death has started a much-needed conversation about toxic work culture and the importance Indian society places on academic excellence that oftentimes leaves no room for personal joy and fulfilment.
🚨 Saurabh Kumar Ladhha, a 25-year-old consultant at McKinsey & Company, dies by suicide due to 'Work Pressure' in Mumbai. He is an IIT Madras and IIM Calcutta graduate.
Unfortunately, toxic work cultures are less talked about in India pic.twitter.com/6EVAGyTkNy
— Indian Tech & Infra (@IndianTechGuide) March 16, 2024
Several people online have been talking about how company owners stress the importance of working 70 hours a week to further our country’s economy but place little to no importance on the mental health of employees. Here’s a look at what people have been saying:
Toxic work culture is everywhere now.
Toxicity at work places increases with top to down. Talk to any frontline sales person and you will understand what they all go through daily.
— Neetu Khandelwal (@T_Investor_) March 16, 2024
Present indian job market is highly imbalanced, Supply is more & Demand is less
Employers taking disadvantage of it, We need strict laws to stop it
— Vikas (@VikasKA01) March 16, 2024
70-hours a week to boost the country’s economy but no one cares about you 😑
— AshutoshShrivastava (@ai_for_success) March 16, 2024
To truly innovate and excel, our society must prioritize mental well-being over a toxic work environment. Saurabhs tragic passing sheds light on the pressing need for change. May his story ignite conversations that lead to real, meaningful reform.
— Muhmmad Azhar (@AzharTheGreat) March 16, 2024
Alongwith tox¡c workplaces, it’s the ‘high achievement’ culture that’s pushed in the Indian middle class and by our elite schools/colleges, that’s equally to blame. It often creates an unhealthy mix of competitive ambition and constant insecurity. EQ (emotional quotient) truly is…
— мαηιѕн (@_manishkapoor) March 16, 2024
Very unfortunate. The way work pressure is increasing, and on top of that technology and competition are making the work environment more challenging, it is becoming more difficult to handle that work pressure.
— V. Subhash -Vedic Astrology Researcher (@ResearcherVedic) March 16, 2024
Toxic work culture is real.
Also 70 hours work culture gets the highest PR.
People talk about their work as their meaning – have no other joy in their life. And they forget it is not everyone’s choice.
Work hard – only if you like.
— SWAMI.BLOG (@swami_blog) March 16, 2024
Such a promising talent has been lost. We wish his family and loved ones strength during this tough time.