People Share Memes Celebrating National Hangover Day After Partying Hard On NYE

Happy New Year everyone!

While we envy the lucky few who are still wrapped up in their blankets, we’re up and about, trying to keep up with our resolutions! Trust me, it’s an achievement to wake up after a wild and crazy party. And for all those who celebrated more than they should have, believe us you’re not alone.

If you’re guilty of downing one too many shots on New Year then we’re sure you woke up in the right spirits for National Hangover Day. Every year first of January is celebrated as National Hangover Day. It’s the perfect day to nurse your aching heads and get in as much sleep and rest as possible.

Have a look at these hilarious posts about peoples status quo on National Hangover Day:

On a more productive note, a group of school students in Delhi wished everyone a Happy New Year in different languages like Punjabi, Assamese, Bengali and so on. How did you start the new year? Let us know in the comments below.

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