Support Pours In For Indie Films After Payal Kapadia Wins Grand Prix At Cannes Film Festival

Indie films and filmmakers struggle to find adequate support and funding from the entertainment industry in India. Mainstream cinema, dominated by big-budget Bollywood productions, monopolizes financial resources and distribution channels, leaving little room for independent projects. They have limited access to prominent distribution networks and marketing platforms restrict the visibility and reach of indie films. This lack of institutional support leads to heaps of indie films and filmmakers going unnoticed and disregarded, which is nothing but a shame.

Payal Kapadia and her film All We Imagine As Light proved the mettle of indie filmmakers and films at the 77th Cannes Film Festival after it won the Grand Prix – the second-highest honour at Cannes.

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While a lot of entertainment industry biggies are lauding Payal Kapadia and are claiming her win as a win for the entire entertainment industry, it is not actually. It would be terribly hypocritical to call her win the collective win of the entertainment industry when the reality is that indie filmmakers and artists are viewed as the others and outcasts.

This was highlighted by actor Tillotama Shome, who took to Instagram to advocate for indie films and called out the entertainment industry for not providing adequate support to independent filmmakers.


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“I wanted to put some flowers out today, to celebrate the women from my country at Cannes. How did they get there? Ask them and you will weep,” she wrote.

“It is nothing short of a miracle for an Indian indie film with no institutional, financial or emotional support from the country, to make it this big. How were the films funded, how difficult was it complete the film in that budget, oh and how did the actors put together the money to fly to Cannes, so they could bring home the prize, that we are so proud of? Let’s put some skin into this game, if we are feeling so proud. Otherwise it’s not pride, just shame for not believing in your own storytellers, until the world asks you to look at them. These women are filling the cracks and saving the building,” she added.

Actor Shreya Dhanwanthary, who is popular for her performance in OTT series like The Family Man, Scam 1992 and Mumbai Diaries 26/11, demanded support for indie filmmakers as well.


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Here’s what she wrote:

Independent filmmaker Rima Das also echoed this sentiment as she congratulated Payal Kapadia and the entire team of the film.

Vishal, a film critic, took to social media to call this win a win for every indie filmmaker and not for industry biggies who never produce such cinema and are only obsessed with box office numbers.

“Payal Kapadia’s win is a win for every indie filmmaker who believes in their cinema. It’s a win for those who still buy a ticket to their films or support indie films in anyway. That’s it! It’s not a win for the Industry biggies who never produce such cinema. They are still fascinated with box office numbers, and dumbing down the audience in believing that we deserve only one set of cinema. Plus, don’t forget how our award shows have always ignored indie films. They still sell tickets on who’s dancing on the occasion. It’s an important win for the audience to realise that our films matter in the world. There is cinema that needs to be looked upon, and promoted more. We don’t want a huge set of audience for indie cinema, that’s unrealistic to ask for. We want a collectively interested culture towards indie films. That’s all,” he wrote.

We hope that Payal Kapadia’s Cannes win is able to shift the reality of indie filmmakers in the country!

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