This Girl’s Hard Hitting Poem On Gender Discrimination Will Wake You Up With A Loud Thud!


Women’s safety is the most debated debacle of our times. And rightly so. Call it rape/sexual assault/harassment, women, time and again, have been subjugated to all of the above and worse. Yes, feminism is slowly raising its voice but patriarchy only spares so much!

Speaking of feminists, I don’t mean male bashers, but people who are women’s only chance at gender equality and neutrality. Young minds, who refuse to be bogged down by the shackles of the society and brave hearts who dare to call a spade, a spade. And all this, only because I want to introduce you to one such budding feminist and her poetry of passion. In a powerful video–uploaded by UnErase Poetry–this young poetess has coupled verses with stark reality and I don’t remember the last time I was moved this way. Believe me, when I say this, your heart will sink into a puddle countless thoughts!


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