Comedian Makes Fun Of Every Flag In The World. Here Are The Best Ones, Including India.


It is no news that the internet, especially Twitter, is an ever-growing pit of hate and outrage. No seriously, it won’t even register and you’d have been already at-the-rated with adjectives you’d have never known, by the keyboard warriors protecting God knows what!

But amidst all the paraphernalia, the Twitterverse is undeniably a ‘utopian’ land where entertainment meets education. Do not believe me? Well, let’s just say you’re going to have a change of hearts in about 2 minutes!

British-born Chinese comedian, Ken Cheng, in a Twitter thread has done the impossible. He managed to diss every country’s flag (yes, all 195) and they’re very pretty hilarious. Here are our best picks! 

1. There you go, America!

2. How do you want to explain that (the) UK?

3. What happened there France?

4. Ever heard of that, Italy?

5. Ouch, Germany!

6. Bwahahahaha

7. Sorry, Slovakia!

8. I kinda agree, Sri Lanka…

9. ‘Get a ruler.’

10. Bet Australia didn’t see that coming!

11. How accurate.

12. Brainteaser it is.

13. Thank God, I thought I was the only one!

14. Hear that, Pakistan?

15.And FINALLY, it looks like a bike tyre for India! mmpphhh.

You think you can do better? Go out there and show it to the world, I mean Twitter. Also, you have (maybe) have 280 characters to do it now! 😉

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