12 Things You Can Avoid Saying To Your Boyfriend

Me and my boyfriend fight a lot. And after we’re done arguing like crazy and cool down, we sit down and discuss what were we actually fighting about. It invariably boils down to the most trivial of things. It’s amazing how much these small things matter in a relationship.

So, instead of ending up fighting over trivial things it’s better to avoid them altogether. There are definitely things you’d never want your boyfriend to say to you. The same applies to you.

Here are a few things your boyfriend would never want to hear from you.

1. “Your friend is hot!”

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A lot of people look good, but you’re with him for a reason. And imagine the volcano that would erupt if he said the same to you!


2. “He was so good to me.”/ “You’re better than him.”

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It’s not advisable to compare your boyfriend to your exes. It shouldn’t matter to your current relationship what happened before. Those were life lessons to be learned strictly by you.


3. “Why can’t you be like him!”

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It’s better not to compare him with anyone you know or don’t. It just tells him that he’s not good of enough for you, which I totally know is not your intention. Instead, put it in subtly like this, “Honey, you’re so good at this! Why don’t you try doing this too! See? That person did so too! You can definitely do it better than him/her. :)”


4. “Chivalry is dead.”

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Any man will not appreciate being called a masochist just because he didn’t open a door for you. Don’t be rather too “woman power” with him either, let him do things he wants to do.


5. “I think I’m pregnant”. Don’t pull the emergency chain too early

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Never buzz the alarm if your periods are a bit late. It happens now and then, he doesn’t need to know unless, they are really really late.


6. “I don’t like your mother.”

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Oh god no. Never, ever, ever let your boyfriend know that you wanna do this. Even if you don’t like his parents, there is no need to vocalize your feelings. Remember, a family is forever. You wouldn’t want him to say anything about yours, would you?


7. “Why won’t you do what I say?”

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Never tell him he should do something with the tone of vigor. That get’s to their ego and ends up doing the exact opposite of what you say. It’s better to put it subtly in and just let them decide.


8.  “It’s just a game!”

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Steer clear of the whole 22 yards of it and beyond (Cricket reference). Never criticize his favorite sports or video games if you’re not into them. You can have your “me” time when he is engaged with his games.


9. “Oh God, Chris Hemsworth……”

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Don’t tell him about your celebrity fantasies. Unless both of you are up for the “Freebie” list like Ross and Rachel from F.R.I.E.N.D.S.


10. “Your friend, is an asshole.”

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Never criticize his friends even if you don’t like them. For one, you might be wrong about them and end up souring their friendship or your own relationship.


11. “You’re so stupid!” in front of his friends

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Do not publicly humiliate him even when you’re angry. Never ever in front of his friends. Keep your cool until both of you are alone, then you can have a full-fledged argument if you want to.


12. “Whatever.”

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Uttering this word after an argument is the worst thing you can do. It’ll only aggravate your fight and no peace would be found.

If these help you, let us know in the comment section.

Be together, be happy. 🙂

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