14 YO Who Was Once The ‘World’s Fattest Kid’ Loses 108 Kgs On His Weight Loss Journey

It’s been a month since the New Year and I don’t know about you but I am surely struggling to keep up with my resolution for 2020. My goal was very simple to eat healthy food and exercise more. So, now instead of bingeing on banana chips, I read about transformation stories to inspire my unfit self to go workout.

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Recently, I came across a very motivational story. A teenage boy who was once called the ‘fattest kid in the world’ has now supposedly lost more than 108 kilograms. Arya Permana from Karawang, Indonesia has reportedly transformed from a heavy boy into a much leaner version of himself, reports Republic World. The pictures of the 14-year-old were posted online by Ade Rai, his personal trainer, and a bodybuilder.

Have a look at his transformation image:

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“Mas ade, katanya kalau kita fitness , badan nya nanti tambah besar tapi ‘anu’ nya kita nanti jadi tambah kecil ya?” 🙈… Fitnessmania… dahulu kala berat badan saya hanya 55 kg dengan tinggi badan yang sama seperti hari ini 183 cm, pada saat itu ukuran JARI KELINGKING saya besar nya normal spt ini🤘… Beberapa tahun kemudian ketika saya tambah rajin fitness nya, berat saya menjadi 87 kg, terutama massa otot saya bertambah termasuk bagian OTOT PAHA saya, uniknya UKURAN jari kelingking saya pun tetap sama. Dalam hal ini tidak terjadi pemBESARan atau pengKECILan ukuran jari kelingking saya, yang terjadi sesunguhnya adalah justru bagian tubuh saya yang lain lah yang membesar, terutama otot PAHA saya .. sehingga ILUSI yang tersampaikan seolah-olah ukuran jari kelingking saya yang mengecil… Mohon tidak salah paham ya fitnesmania🙏 FOTO di atas pun demikian.. tidak terjadi pemBESARAN atau pengKECILan pada tubuh saya, namun yang terjadi adalah pengecilan di tubuh @ariaa.prm ( dari 193 kg menjadi 83 kg), sehingga ILUSI yang tersampaikan seolah-olah di foto ini UKURAN saya yang bertambah membesar ha3… Moral dari cerita ini, Fitnessmania .. bagi TEMAN-TEMAN yg sampai saat ini masih merasa TAKUT kalau nanti kita fitness, badan atau otot nya membesar akan menyebabkan “anu” mengecil? Jangan khawatir yaa .. TIPSnya sederhana.. ingin “anu” nya terlihat besar? “kecilin paha !” 👏👍🏻…. 😂😂 #cerdasfitness #selfreliance #lifelongfitness #naturalbodybuilding #fatloss #wellbeing #pleasantness #body #body #health #mind #peace #emotion #love #lifeenergy #bliss #being #conciousness #infinity #sca #alliswell 🙏

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The boy, who weighed 30 stone(approximately 190 kg) when he was 10-years-old in 2016, now weighs 13 stone(approximately 82 kg). He has lost more than half of his body weight with the help of his personal trainer and a proper diet. Arya who previously struggled to perform simple tasks such as standing up can now lift weights in the gym.

Check out his training video:

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Senang nya melihat aria hari ini… Fitnessmania, sekali lagi jangan salah paham ya… cerita SUKSES @ariaa.prm murni karena pola perilaku aria sendiri dan keluarga nya serta dukungan medis yg di dapatkan aria selama ini, saya lebih sekedar memotivasinya saja sebagai bagian dari orang-orang yang peduli akan perilaku sehat, terutama bicara dalam ikut berkontribusi mengurangi angka kelebihan berat badan yang selama ini menjadi kontributor utama penyakit kronis dan prematur kematian. Semoga cerita ARIA PERMANA menjadi pelajaran yang berharga bagi kita semua .. dan berharap anak-anak di indonesia memiliki orang tua dan keluarga yang mampu mempengaruhi nya secara positif sehingga bersedia dengan senang hati meniru perilaku sehat keluarga dan lingkungannya… Sebelum menjadi orang tua yang bijaksana bagi anak kita, berlaku lah bijaksana bagi diri sendiri, terutama dalam meningkatkan kemampuan kita menciptakan kesenangan pada TUBUH kita melalui pola perilaku sehari- hari… pola makan, pola gerak, pola istirahat, dan pola pandang .. TUT WURI HANDAYANI .. mengAJARkan cukup hanya dengan menCONTOHkan🙏

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“The kind of support that I can give Arya is to share with his parents about the importance of keeping to a good diet and their motivation to support him. Arya is now a symbol of hope. People now say: Even Arya can lose weight, so why can’t I?,” Ade was quoted saying by Mail Online.

The teenager, who followed a strict workout routine, has also undergone bariatric surgery to reduce the size of his stomach. He will now undergo an operation to remove excess skin from his arms and chest.

However, Ayra was not always like this. According to his parents, he was born a normal weight and maintained it throughout his childhood. But the situation began to spiral out of control when he turned eight, and his appetite suddenly grew. In just two years he gained almost 11 stone(approximately 70 kg) in weight and became ‘the world’s fattest child’ at 30 stone(approximately 190 kg).

Now, after the life-changing surgery, Arya is supposedly very happy and can play football along with other sports. We’re extremely happy for Arya. Hats off to his dedication and hard work.

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