Bengaluru Software Engineer At Microsoft Works As A Driver On Weekends Just To Talk To People

From weather to its people, Bengaluru is a pretty unpredictable city. There are companies that offer 30-minutes ‘nap time’ and then there are autowalas asking you ‘login kabka hai?’ to ensure you reach the office on time.

You never know who you’re conversing with. Maybe your food delivery agent is the owner of a flourishing start-up.

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Well, this is precisely how this Twitter user reacted when he came to know that his Rapido driver is a software engineer at Microsoft.

Taking to the microblogging site, Nikhil Seth shared that during a casual conversation with his bike-taxi driver who was driving him to his location, the man revealed that he is an SDET at Microsoft and drives on weekends just to talk to people.

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This might come as a shocker to others, but the probability of such incidences happening in the silicon valley of India is high. Kind of a normal and ‘peak Bengaluru’ behavior, TBH.

This is how people online reacted to reading about this incident.

Told ya, it’s pretty common.

If you don’t know what to do in Bengaluru then you might consider exploring the city. You will either make a lot of friends or will get a great idea for a start-up! 😁

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