In a disturbing incident, many pupils as well as the alumni of Tamil Nadu’s Padma Sheshadri Bala Bhavan School have accused an educator of sexual harassment. The students alleged sexual advances were made toward them and said that the teacher passed sexually coloured remarks at them.
The Accountancy and Business Studies teacher at the KK Nagar branch of the school in Chennai was called out on social media by the students.
The Instagram chats have now gone viral and have empowered even more pupils to open up about their harrowing experiences. Take a look-
Concerned alumni of PSBB then wrote to the school’s dean requesting immediate suspension of the accused and a detailed inquiry into the matter.
As an Alumnus of PSBB KK Nagar, I stand with the victims of sexual harassment.
This is a statement that over 1000 students who were PSBB alumni have signed. This has been sent to the management today.
We demand accountability from the management and immediate action.
— chethana (@iamdatemike) May 24, 2021
The letter says that Rajagopalan used to touch a female student inappropriately while school was in session and asked them embarrassing questions of sexual nature. He is also accused of passing remarks on the physical bodies of female students as well as their character in front of the rest of the class. Such as-
“They are women of easy virtue as they chose to wear sleeveless and non-traditional clothes.”
The alumni also alleged that amid lockdown, Rajagopalan once attended online classes wearing just a towel. He was further accused of messaging the kids commenting about their clothes and WhatsApp profile pictures.
“He has sent WhatsApp messages about their photos, remarked that their photos are ‘very cute’, mad comments about their physical appearance, and has even asked one of the students to go the movies with him,” the alumni statement reports.
Pupils even alleged that their prior complaints to the management about Rajagopalan were not addressed.
The sexual harassment allegations against a commerce teacher in PSBB School,Chennai has been shocking. Inquiry should be conducted and action must be taken against those who are involved including school authorities who failed to act against the complaints from students. (1/3)
— Kanimozhi (கனிமொழி) (@KanimozhiDMK) May 24, 2021
However, Padma Sheshadri Bala Bhavan School soon responded by releasing a statement that said they have “zero tolerance” against behavior that harms the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of its students.
The school added, “Some very serious allegations of misconduct have been alleged against you and the same has come to the knowledge of the management from and through social media. Pending further enquiry into your conduct, without prejudice, you are under suspension with immediate effect. “
The school promised to address the issue in a fair, free and transparent manner, reports Times Now News.
Here’s how concerned parents, as well as other citizens, reacted to the incident-
As a parent, I'm extremely horrified by the reports of sexual harassment by a teacher in #PadmaSeshadriBalaBhavan school, Chennai. It's of utmost importance to ensure a probe into the matter & accountability from the management to provide a safe environment for the children #PSBB
— Dayanidhi Maran தயாநிதி மாறன் (@Dayanidhi_Maran) May 24, 2021
I have been asked to share this.
A staff member PSBB KK Nagar Branch and the screenshots of him coming in a towel wrapped around his waist to class (!!) to watching porn in class.
Model Kripali Samdaria has collated all accounts on Instagram here.
(@__kripali on Instagram)— Chinmayi Sripaada (@Chinmayi) May 23, 2021
The allegations of sexual harrasment at Chennai – KK Nagar #PSBB school by a teacher no less are horrifying and grave. This perpetrator must be held accountable and strict legal action should be taken against him. The School authorities, should take stringent action against
1/3— தமிழச்சி (@ThamizhachiTh) May 24, 2021
After the sexual harassment allegations were made, the management on Monday suspended Rajagopalan. However, the school administration is yet to file a formal complaint with the police.
Reports reveal that a senior police officer said, “Soon after information about the sexual harassment reached the top brass, a police team reached the school. The management was asked to provide a formal complaint. We will proceed with legal action after that,” he added.
Schools are places where students are meant to feel safe while being educated. We hope the authorities investigate the matter and bring the accused to justice at the earliest.