This Village Version Of The #KikiChallenge Shows How It Can Be Done In A Fun Safe Way


What is the deal with our generation and Internet challenges? I thought we were all about being ‘original’. Well, it doesn’t look like it anymore. We’re rapidly becoming a generation of sheep that follow whatever stupid internet challenge pops up. And speaking of stupid internet challenges, the Kiki Challenge has taken over the world. Total global domination.

So much so that our police departments have started putting out warnings on social media urging people not to do it. And do people listen? Nope. Just ask the Vadodara aunty who got into trouble with the Gujarat police after her video went viral.

Honestly, I’m so done with people foolishly jumping out of cars in the middle of the road to ask some Kiki if she loves them, that this would probably be me the next time I hear that song:

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However, I came across a desi version of the #KikiChallenge or #InMyFeelingsChallenge, that has almost persuaded me that it may not be that bad.

A village version of the #KikiChallenge is going super viral online and it is peak Indian.

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No roads, no cars, no jumping out into traffic. Nada. Just two men, a muddy field and their trusty bulls or oxen.

Safe, messy, 100% more fun. And may I just add, totally original cool ass moves!

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Watch and learn kids:

Since being posted 2 days ago, the video has gained over 48k views on YouTube. Because, when you are original and not more of the same crap, people actually enjoy watching you. Write that down somewhere.

Apart from being original, this video is the perfect example as to how to take part in a challenge without being an inconvenience to others or a danger to yourself. There are no moving cars involved and neither is the possibility that other people on the road may get hurt when you jump out from one like a lunatic. Just stop jumping out of running cars, will you?

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