24-year-old Anusha had known 44-year-old Suresh for five years. However, she had started distancing herself from him and unable to come to terms with it, Suresh decided to confront her about it. They met at a park and had an altercation because Anusha didn’t want to see him again and Suresh wasn’t having any of it.
In the heated moment, Suresh stabbed Anusha twice. This was witnessed by Anusha’s mother.
According to NDTV, before leaving her house, Anusha informed her mother that she was going to the park and would be back within 5 minutes. Realising that something was amiss, the mother decided to follow Anusha to the park and witnessed the entire ordeal.
When she saw her daughter getting stabbed, she attacked Suresh in a fit of rage with a stone and hit his head. He died on the spot.
The incident occurred at 4.45 pm at Sarakki Park in Jayanagar, Bengaluru.
Anusha was severely injured after the man stabbed her chest and neck. She was taken to the hospital but was declared dead on arrival.
“Based on the investigation so far, it appears that Suresh stabbed Anusha. Anusha’s mother rushed to save her and in that bid, she hit Suresh on his head with a stone and he died on the spot. We are currently interrogating an eyewitness in the case. Both of them knew each other from their workplace. Anusha was a caretaker, while Suresh worked for an event management company. Anusha was trying to keep her distance from him, which may have led to this incident,” said Deputy Commissioner of Police (South) Lokesh Bharamappa Jagalasar.
What a shocking incident!