In Bengaluru, a man named Gururaj Shivanand was having a regular day, attending meetings and picking up his daughter from the coaching centre. But he got an unexpected call wherein someone told him that he had lost his purse and asked him to meet the stranger at Nagenahalli main road. It wasn’t until the stranger called him that he realized that he indeed had lost his wallet. However, he was sceptical about meeting him.
“How would you react when a random caller asks you to check if you have your wallet with you? I was creeped out when this happened to me. Initially, I was sceptical, thinking it was a spam call. Until the call, I didn’t realise I had lost my wallet. When I called him back to tell him that the purse he found was indeed mine, he asked me to meet him near a church at Nagenahalli. I remember feeling extremely cautious about it. Even my family thought it was dangerous and felt it could be a trap,” TOI quoted him saying.
When he finally did meet the stranger, Ramesh C who works as a real estate agent, he was delighted to find his wallet intact. His driver’s license, cards and cash were right there. When Gururaj asked him how he was able to get in touch with him, Ramesh replied by saying that in order to find his contact number, he went through his wallet. That’s when he found an old bill with his phone number using which he was able to get in touch with him.
“I remember how hopeful I was that someone would return my wallet when I lost it many years ago. I know how tedious the process is to retrieve any kind of lost credit/debit cards. I’m also aware that it would be difficult to re-apply for a driving licence or an Aadhaar card. When I found a lost wallet while on my way back home, I knew I had to track the owner down and return it. Unfortunately, none of the cards in his wallet had his contact information. On inspecting his wallet, I found an old receipt with a phone number. I didn’t know if it was a valid number, but I gave it a try. Luckily, it was his number,” Ramesh told TOI.
When Gururaj asked Ramesh why he went to such great lengths to return the wallet back, he responded by saying that the money we earn doesn’t stay with us so what is the use of taking someone else’s money?
Dropped my purse yesterday evening on busy nagenahalli mainroad. I didn't realise I had dropped it until someone called today evening saying he had found my purse. It had my DL, cards and 2k cash.
We met at landmark on nagenahalli mainroad. He handed over the purse asked me to…
— Voice Of Parents Association ® (@VoiceOfParents2) January 11, 2024
People online lauded the man for his incredible gesture. Here’s what some of them said:
There are very few people like him, but the good part is people like him do exist…
— Vikash Anand (@viksatyam1) January 11, 2024
A thorough gentleman. Respect 👏
— Pramod Kumar Singh (@SinghPramod2784) January 11, 2024
Simple people are one of the most honest people I come across in life ❤️
— Yoga With Kush (@yoga_with_kush) January 12, 2024
You found a brother for life, didn’t you,
— Dr Ji लंडनवाले (@RYK_9) January 11, 2024
Kudos to this man, his parents, circle of friends, and neighborhood. It all matters, and these good deeds come like natural instincts 🫡
— RK Journal (@rkjournalx) January 12, 2024
It’s truly great to see this level of honesty still being there in the world.