14 Things A Non-Party Person Does When Forced To Attend A Party

Doesn’t it frustrate you when they force you to act lively at a place you don’t want to be, to begin with? From a spoil-sport to a kill joy to even a party-pooper, they tag you with so many names yet force you to step into a reverberating room, where life seems still. Only some heads swaying back and forth, smoke stagnant in the air, and blinding lights, make for the entire scene that seems heavenly to your friends. And you? You feel like a monk trying to keep pace with the drunk and supremely notorious Caspers.

So, if you get the feels of what I am talking about, then I am sure you will relate to the following listed things that most non-party people do/go through when they attend the Partay for the sake of their lovely friends.

1. When you go to sleep the previous night, you pray God to put you to sleep forever

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And you curse the Sun when it sends its assistant Mr. Rays to wake you up!


2. But when you do wake up, you make calls to see if others are also in the same state of mind as you

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But, they never are. Never.


3. Till the 11th hour, you try your best to walk out of the plan

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I have a doctor’s appointment.

I have a migraine.

I want to eat homemade popcorns!


4. But soon enough, you find yourself sitting next to a gang of supremely bubbly party people

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5. So you make the best of what’s in your hands and become the photographer for the night

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6. And keep attending make-believe calls to save yourself from attending long, awkward conversations

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7. You make all sort of excuses to make recurrent visits to the life outside of the dark room

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8. But, if it is a sports bar you are at, then your night is half saved

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Thanks to some epic matches they show, they are the best escape!


9. You yearn for the comfort of your bed and the peace your broken laptop and books give you

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10. And on the other hand, watch the live entertainment show presented by your drunk pals

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Which isn’t as much entertaining, as it is, well, kind of annoying.


11. You never eat with so much concentration as you do while trying to dodge people

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12. But when it is time to bid final goodbyes, your excitement comes bubbling out

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Oh yes.



13. Your love for home pours out of your eyes

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And you head back in such a hurry as though you had left behind your crying, hungry babies.


14. And you realize it is good to take break sometimes from the regular life to understand its value

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Isn’t it? And you can’t thank your party-lover friends enough for making you realize that.

I, personally, do nothing much but let the party annoy me and desperately wait for the time to end. I bite my nails, do some people-watching, and somehow manage to hear my own breaths in between all the loud thumping sounds.

So, what do you do? 😉

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