Do You Rinse Your Mouth After Brushing Your Teeth? Then You Are Doing It WRONG!

Let’s recap your sleepy morning brushing routine a bit, shall we?

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  1. You hold your toothbrush and put toothpaste on the bristles.
  2. Then you wet it a bit and brush your teeth.
  3. then you spit the lather out
  4. then you rinse your mouth with water before cleaning your tongue

That’s what we have been doing right?


That’s what we have been doing WRONG! ALL OUR LIVES.



Health specialists recommend that you do NOT rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth. They recommend that you just spit the excess toothpaste lather out and get done with it.

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This is because after you brush, a layer of fluoride is present on your teeth that protects your teeth for a longer period of time.

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When you rinse it off with water, you remove this protective layer of fluoride.


So, what happens to the toothpaste taste in your mouth?


It stays there, protecting your teeth.


If you are one of those people who uses a mouthwash right after brushing, health experts do not recommend that either. Using mouthwash right after does the same thing as rinsing with water – it washes away the layer of fluoride

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Use a mouthwash after lunch, when you do not brush your teeth.


And, do you eat breakfast right after brushing your teeth?

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Another blunder! You should ideally wait for 30 minutes after brushing your teeth before eating anything.

So there you go. I know it sounds gross to keep the mouth unrinsed, but that’s what the doctors recommend.

Think of it just like a bitter pill.

Fact Source – NHS.

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