Miss World Manushi Wished ‘Inspiration’ Sushmita On Her B-Day And Their Chat Is Adorable!

What would you do if you were just crowned Miss World, a prestigious honour that was being bestowed upon your country after 17 long years? Party hard, right? But Manushi Chhillar had something else on her agenda too!

It was probably around 7.30 pm IST on November 18th when congratulations started pouring in for the Miss India, who was bringing the coveted crown home from Sanya City, China, where the pageant was held.

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Now you’d think she’d be busy with the post-pageant fanfare and press conferences, and eventually partying the night away after her big win.

But in this digital age, you cannot ignore your social media! In a couple of hours, Manushi was already tweeting warm thank yous to everyone who had congratulated her!

But as the clock struck 12 and the date changed to November 19th, it was time to remember another crowned beauty, whose birthday it happened to be—former Miss Universe Sushmita Sen!

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And Manushi took some time out of the best night of her life to tweet a sweet birthday message to her ‘inspiration’!

She even shared a candid picture of her exchanging a hug with Sushmita when they bumped into each other on a flight!

The birthday girl was thrilled to have received the message and tweeted back the next day!

Sushmita credited Manushi’s win for making her birthday the most memorable followed by loads and loads of encouragement to Carpe Diem!

Don’t miss the OMG-equivalent, Dugga Dugga, at the end of her message! Just like a proud elder sister!

Manushi’s knockout smile is indeed one of her best attributes! But she was sweet enough to give all the credit for her glowing smile to the warmth that Sushmita exudes!

Awwww, look at these two indulging in all this mutual love and admiration! Isn’t it quite endearing that she remembered her predecessor, her inspiration, even amidst such a grand celebration?

But then again, Manushi’s EQ is quite excellent. Just check out her answer during he question answer round during the pageant and you’ll know!

Congratulations, Manushi, on both, winning the title and our hearts!

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