Back in 2014, a man named Daripalli Venkatesh married a woman from Bhoi Galli Colony in Siddipet, Telangana, called Veda Shree. The couple had a baby in 2015. However, Daripalli started “harassing” Veda for additional dowry. It seems as though Daripalli needed it for a gender reassignment surgery he wanted to undergo. Shortly after, he came out as trans, reported NDTV.
Daripalli went through the surgery in 2019 and started using the name ‘Roja’. She was now a woman and as a result of this, there was massive marital discord between the two. Veda started living separately, took custody of her daughter and worked as an accountant at a private school. She also demanded maintenance from Roja.
However, 35-year-old Roja started harassing her by turning up at her workplace and creating a nuisance. As a result of this, the school management removed Veda from her job. Angered by this, she decided to kill Roja.
By then, 30-year-old Veda was living with another man named Ramesh and the two of them devised a plan to kill Roja. She hired contract killers and offered them Rs 18 lakh to kill her husband. She even paid an advance of Rs 4.6 lakh. The hitmen met Roja, offered her alcohol and when she fell asleep, they strangled her to death with a pillow on December 11, 2023. They tried to pass the incident off as a case of natural death.
During an investigation, the police caught on to their lies and arrested them, after which Veda confessed to her crime.
This incident is messed up on so many different levels.