Men Online Who Are Shorter, Thinner Than Average Reveal Daily Struggles They Face

There are a lot of social pressures that men face, but several of them are slowly and steadily pushing back against society’s standards. From discussing the ‘manly’ things that they find to be unappealing to sharing how they feel about being stay-at-home husbands, many men are rejecting notions of what they should do or look like.

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A Redditor recently opened up a discussion for young men who feel that they’re shorter or thinner than average, asking them the cons and daily difficulties that they have to deal with.

Many men candidly opened up on their experiences about how different their life looks:

1. Looking younger than you are, and hence not being taken seriously:

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2. Being talked over often:

3. The struggle with initiating romantic relationships:

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4. Trouble reaching things that are kept up high, quite literally:

5. Body-shaming:

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Do you relate to any of this? Tell us.

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