What Is Your Relationship Deal Breaker According To Zodiac? Mine Was Absolutely True!

What is the one thing, that can make you break-up, without even considering or listening to the other side of the story?

You might be a very patient and humble person, and you might love your partner a lot, but every person has at least one deal breaker, which end the game for them. It can be as intense as infidelity or as trivial as laziness. But, there will always be that one putting off factor, lingering around your mind, that just erupts that hidden volcano.

Interestingly, your deal breaking factor depends a lot on your horoscope. Sun signs define your personality, which decides the deal breaking factor. So, here is a list of relationship deal breakers, according to your zodiac.

1. Aries – You can’t be with anyone who hinders your career.

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You are a goal oriented and career driven person, and anyone who stops you, or comes in your way can piss you off badly. You are self assured and like people who have a certain drive and enthusiasm. So, if any couch potato, who is too lazy to even strike an interesting conversation tries to date you, he can exit where he entered.


2. Taurus – You can’t date anyone who doesn’t take caution before making decisions.

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You are watchful and cautious and don’t like when people rush you to do something. You like taking your time and deciding your course of action. So, dating someone who doesn’t live an organised life, and throws caution into the wind by living on the edge and making impromptu life decisions is not meant for you.


3. Gemini – You can’t date anyone who lacks verbal skills & is not social.

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You are known for your quick wit and and love of conversation. You like talking about anything and everything in the world with utmost depth, and if your partner is not at par with your verbal skills, then he won’t stay around for long. Your partner also needs to be social, because while you’ll be spinning around making new friends, they’ll be left out.


4. Cancer – You can’t adjust with people who lack compassion.

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Full of emotions and compassion, you’ll have difficulty adjusting with people who don’t share your sympathetic perspective towards the world. Also, you value your family a lot. So, if your date is not family oriented, it ain’t gonna work.


5. Leo – You hate people who don’t give you full attention.

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You love the spotlight, and you know it! You like all the attention, and people who give you the attention. So, if someone isn’t ready to handle your dramatic streak, or shower with you attention all the time, you are not going to like it.


6. Virgo – You can’t stand people who don’t take their life seriously.

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You are sensible and very responsible with all your duties. You have a practical approach, and you don’t have any time for people who don’t take their life seriously. So, if anyone isn’t showing up on time, and isn’t even sorry about it, then that’s the end of conversation for you, right there.


7. Libra – You can’t date people who are shy or don’t speak much.

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You are kind and charming, and a very pleasant person to hang out with. You are simple and and not at all fake. You appreciate casual and outgoing people, and a shy or coy person who doesn’t believe much in social interaction is not meant for you. No perks for wallflowers when it comes to dating you.


8. Scorpio – You can’t date people who keep secrets and don’t tell you ‘everything’.

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You have this undying urge to know everything that is going around you. You hate being lied to, and you hate it when something is kept from you. You will like people who are upfront and open with you, and anyone who doesn’t answer your questions honestly, is the wrong match.


9. Sagittarius – You can’t be with people who lack adventure and don’t travel.

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You want to see the world and experience as much adventure as possible. You like people who have the urge to learn and to see more. You are always on the go, so anyone who likes to sit at home is not meant for you. You cannot tolerate a person, who is draining the adventure out of your life. Travel has always been your first love.


10. Capricorn – You can’t date people who are not disciplined & have no self control.

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You have great sense of self discipline and have your life sorted out. You won’t like people who are messed up and have their life falling apart. You appreciate prudence and anyone who doesn’t know where he/she is going in life and have no self control is a deal breaker for you.


11. Aquarius – You hate selfish people who don’t care about the society.

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You have a free and creative thinking and you like imaginative people with long term vision. You have a humanitarian side and you value contribution to the society and environment. So, any person with a selfish worldview and a conservative perspective towards life is the deal breaker for you.


12. Pisces – You can’t date people who are inconsiderate towards your feelings.

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If anyone doesn’t take your feelings into consideration before saying something, or fights over nothing, it makes you lose all respect for them. You are love peace and don’t reveal personal information too soon. So, anyone who asks too many personal questions, too soon, is a big turn off.

Fights and arguments can be dealt with, but there are some things which you cannot tolerate for life. They are the deal breakers, and you have read yours.

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