Night King Basically Set A Trap And Dany’s Dragons Walked Right Into It. *loses all chill*


Disclaimer: This post is dark and full of spoilers, tread carefully.

It’s been days but we are still weeping for what happened to Viserion in the sixth episode of Game of Thrones season 7. While there were a lot of emotions and feels as to what all happened throughout the episode, the minute that ice-spear hit Daenerys’s child, Viserion, it seemed like the spear pierced our hearts.

Also when Jon Snow formed the Suicide Squad of Magnificent Seven, fans knew it was a huge mistake. As it turned out, in hopes of getting a wight to Westeros, we lost a dragon to The Night King. But, we read a fan theory that is blowing our minds.

What if The Night King lay a trap for the King in the North and his comrades, to lure Dany and the Dragons Beyond the Wall so that he could kill them and bring them to their side? *jaw not in place*


It was this Redditor Damisu‘s theory that adds more substance to what we just imagined.

“He came prepared. He held the wights back waiting for the dragons to arrive. He could have just made them form some kind of skeletal body bridge if he truly wanted to kill Jon and Co., but he didn’t. He also brought a fuck ton of javelins. Those weren’t the usual White Walker weapons – we’ve seen their polearms/spears that are some sort of iced metal attached to a shaft – as per Hardhome, The Door, and even the walker that Jon killed early in the episode. But what he brought were long and ice all the way through, except for a sharp tip. They intentionally brought only ice javelins because they knew the dragons would be there, and they wanted one. He knew they would be there and came prepared, as he has greensight – as we see in S6, other greenseers can interact with Bran in his vision (Bloodraven repeatedly makes physical contact with Bran in their visions). This is exactly what the NK does to mark Bran – shares the vision and interacts with him. So he has greensight (icesight?).
TL;DR NK has visions like Bran, knew the dragons would come, and came prepared.


Holy Mother of Dragons! This makes so much sense. Can I weep a little more? (Sure can!)


Oh, and bringing to light more evidence to support, it-was-a-freaking-trap theory is this guy’s exact breakdown of the White Walkers’ arms.

Image Source

Three ice spears for three dragons. We even read something similar on PopSugar. When he took down Viserion, he was hoping to do the same with Drogon and Rhaegal. But after Drogon zig-zagged his way away after losing a brother, two of Dany’s children were still safe.

The fact that they patiently waited for the dragon party to arrive was suspicious enough. He could’ve taken the seven down easily and unleashed the dead on them, and not just have waited for days (at least that’s what it seemed like). And, since there’s convincing evidence that NK is a greenseer, it could be possible that he saw the dragons coming their way. This also hints majorly at the Bran=Night King theory too. :O :O :O

We have so many questions and the guessing game is on. We have seen in the past, fan theories coming true and it’s mind-numbing.


Also, in Eastwatch, didn’t Bran just see a similar sight when he had warged into one of the ravens? The White Walkers and wights waiting in the same formation for something. But, NK noticed Bran.

Does this have a deeper meaning? Oh, it is GoT, it has to have.

We even read somewhere that the Night King needed a dragon to help him melt the Wall so that he could march past it. So if he had three dragons, the Wall would’ve vanished in seconds. Even with turned-Viserion, he can do a lot of damage.

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