Girl’s FB Post About A Man Choking And Killing A 4-Month-Old Pup Newton, Is Heartbreaking


Disclaimer: Graphic content ahead, reader’s discretion is advised.

Humanity is wavering and there are instances each day that is cementing that belief. Barbarity shown by some humans sends shock waves down our spine and we are left gaping. Humans don’t leave fellow beings alone, and nor have they left animals (who can’t speak for themselves) alone.

After the gory news of dog’s rape, pup being thrown off terrace, another pup being kicked in the guts, another news came in where a four-month-old puppy was choked to death.

In a Facebook post by Mehak Walia, she revealed how a man brutally broke a pooch named Newton’s neck while strangling him.

“This is Newton. He was 4 months old. Two gentlemen living in a PG near my hostel adopted him when he was around 2.5 months old. I’ve been playing with him everyday since.
At 3 a.m. this morning, a man took him to the basement, choked him and broke his neck. Later, he dragged his body and dumped it on the footpath. He was taken to jail, but only for a while.
He “bribed” the police and got out jail for 15k (apparently). He showed no remorse whatsoever. The owners are helpless and we need all the support we can get. If you know anyone who can help us fight against this barbaric activity, please DM me.
Rest in peace, baby. I love you. @ Mathikere”


The man’s motive for the heinous crime is not yet known.

He left the poor dog on the footpath.

People are enraged by the man’s crime and how he got out.

This is the world we live in. And, the pictures are heartbreaking. He got out on bail so easily. We just hope justice for Newton is served and the man pays for his crimes.

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