Harsh Goenka Shares 8 Tips To Be A Better Human, Twitter Adds To The List

While tackling stressful situations of day-to-day life we often forget to appreciate the little things that really matter. We read so many inspiring stories yet sometimes fail to be grateful.

Industrialist Harsh Goenka recently shared a list of valuable tips where he mentioned eight “simple tips” that are quite essential to bring a positive change in life, reports India Today. Have a look:

It is important that we get the basics right before we move on to bigger things and these simple tips surely seem helpful and worthwhile. Many people have now gone ahead and added some of their meaningful tips to his list as well:


While other’s appreciated his simple yet thoughtful advice:


Harsh Goenka has often shared some unique stories such as a man turning dough into ‘chadar roti’ or an autowala changing a tyre ‘James Bond’ style on his Twitter. However, we really appreciate and agree with his personal thoughts. Being understanding and appreciative in all walks of life never really hurts. Right? 

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