Desi Twitter Shares Adorable Photos Of Their Sanskaari Doggos Flaunting Bindis

Some Desi pet parents leave no stone unturned to involve their furry babies in several family festivities. For instance, a desi mom made a beautiful sherwani for her pet cat to wear to a family wedding, or how another puppy got a ‘desi swagat’ with aarti & tilak as the family showered rose petals.

Now, a Twitter user named @senpai_piyu shared an adorable photograph of his pooch wearing a round maroon bindi.

And it started a trail of responses.

1. Many people shared cute visuals of their of pets with bindis and tilak.

2. And another user shared this heartwarming anecdote:

3. LOL!

Now all I want is to pet all of these beautiful pups!

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