10 Things People Born On 29th Feb Are Tired Of Hearing

If you’re born on 29th Feb, we’re pretty sure you’re ecstatic for 2016. Most of your life has gone being the butt of leap year jokes and the rest of your life has gone contemplating how to respond to them.

For those of you not born on 29th Feb (most of us :p), it’s time to cut them some slack from the age old jokes or come up with something super original.

Here are a few you can stir away from this year,

1. You were born on 29th Feb 1992? So you’re basically 6 years old.

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Yeah so the 23 years I haven’t spent on earth as a human are completely redundant because my birthday comes once in 4 years. That’s real smart.


2. So every year do you throw a birthday party before or after your non existent one?

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You make me sick.


3. How does it feel to be so young?

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It feels great. It feels like I can punch your sarcastic face right into the next leap year.


4. When do people call and wish you for your birthday?

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Never. That’s when. Maybe people forget it’s my birthday because Facebook doesn’t notify them but all the important ones remember. So ha! In your face.


5. Did you know you’re called a ‘leaping’?

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Yeah, since the day I was born, that’s what people called me. Not by my name but by referring to me as ‘that leaping’. When my aunt asked my mom is it a boy or a girl she said ‘It’s a leaping’.


6. Your boyfriend is so lucky, he only has to buy you a gift once in 4 years.

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Actually what’s better is that none of my relationships have lasted as long as the gaps between my birthday. So the joke is on you.


7. Did your parents plan this to avoid getting you a car, since technically you aren’t going to be 18 until you’re  72 years old.

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Yeah one night Dad sat down and calculated just how long it would take from the date of conception and they figured out the exact time, date and angle. Infact they had a big pooja just before that to drop in a good word with God, all of this to avoid buying my a car on my 18th birthday.


8. Did you leap out of your Mom?

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*Dramatic Sigh*


9.  Your birthday is like the US Presidential elections, it shows up once in 4 years, that too to party.

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Atleast my birthday has some distant political significance! What does your birthday have to say for itself?


10. Just because of you, we have to work an extra day this year.

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Yeah I added an extra day in the year just to celebrate my birthday. What even…?!

This year, let’s spare them the jokes, after all this day literally won’t come back for another 4 years. 

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