Bengaluru Woman’s Impressive Bumble Reach Attracts Investor Who’s Willing To Offer Money

You would think that dating apps are helping people find love but people are using the platforms to solve serious life problems. There was this one guy who landed himself a job interview because of a dating app. There was another who found himself an apartment to rent! Dating apps are now multipurpose. Here’s another incident where an opportunity dropped on a woman’s lap because of her Bumble profile.

Eepsita Gupta’s Bumble account has an insane number of impressions (the number of times one’s content is displayed to users). An investor noticed this and came up with a proposal for her. He asked her to “add a line” plugging his fund so that founders reach out to him. If he ends up investing in any of them, he will be giving her a part of the carried interest from the companies.

The woman shared a screenshot of their chat. Have a look:

And where else would this happen if not for Bengaluru, the Silicon Valley of India?

A lot of people were mighty impressed by this and thought that Eepsita was about to get rich! Here’s how they reacted to her post:

Some people see an opportunity and they grab it, irrespective of where it may be!

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