Bani J’s Workout Pics Are Sure To Motivate You To Hit The Gym Today!

Most of us possess a gym membership. However, only a few of us actually use it. For the rest of us, membership fees are simply a Fat Tax of sorts (joke courtesy Punit Pania). These Instagram pictures of Bani J showing off her sculpted physique are sure to motivate you get out there and work on building a body of your own!

1. Body Goals!


2. Katrina Kaif, take note.


3. That look!


4. Abs-olutely incredible!

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You gotta have something that's all your own. Be it your beliefs, a certain place, a certain zone you mediate from or a higher frequency you can tune into. Not just when you're at the top of your game and the sun shines brightly in your skies, but (especially) when the chips are down and out and you feel like you've got nowhere else to go. The gym, is that place for me. It's my mental/ emotional / spiritual/ physical temple. I tune in, I stay tapped in to the energy as soon I get into my gym clothes, it's hard to explain unless you've experienced it yourself. A uniform of sorts, armour? Perhaps. Ready for muscular warfare yesssss. Prepared for the mental torture it'll take to get to breaking point where the real gainz lie? YES. The sounds of the clanging and banging – the weight of the iron, the cool cold feel no matter the temperature outside. It's my everything. It keeps me grounded, it keeps me sane. It keeps me honest, it keeps me hungry and it keeps me coming back for more. You can't lie about your progress in a gym, there's no hiding how much you can really lift, why you're really there. 100% transparency. I love it. I live for it. Build up those walls, let the weights break them down. Scar tissue will always be stronger than normal tissue. Let's do this. #everysingleday #nofuckstogive #theonlyway #irontherapy #dowhatyouLove #oneLife #be #allow #loa #connect #align #WORK #hustleformuscle

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5. That smile!


6. You go girl!

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Been flat out sweating a viral out of my system past 5 days. Temp was a constant 100-101*F. For anyone who lives to train and be healthy, being sick is *the* worst thing that can happen. There were times I felt my head was too heavy to lift off the damn pillow, let alone my body. BUT* I did. 5-6 times a day, everyday, with the fever and sweating my ass off. Because I knew if I wanted to get better, I had to feed my body proper nutrition to give it a better chance at fighting and defending itself. I didn't slip up on my food and eat a pizza or greasy junk food or give in to a muffin or chocolates, I stayed true to the foods I knew would help repair and fuel it further. And today, 5 days later when I finally stepped back in to the gym to lift some of my good ol' weights – my body served me better than it would've if I hadn't stayed consistent. ____________________________________ You have to stay true to the lifestyle when the chips are down and out and you're not feeling your best, the days you really don't want to eat another chicken breast or take another rest day, you gotta stay true to the grind because EVERY SINGLE MOMENT COUNTS. My body didn't just start looking like this overnight, it was days and months and years of consistent *intentional* action and wanting it that made it look this way. It took time, it took sacrifice, it took a fuck load of patience and finding the right people to help educate me along the way in terms of keeping my food on point and being realistic with my progress. ______________________________________ I was lucky enough to work with @nicola_denise who has changed the way I look at food and has literally re-educated me to what eating a lot of food means lol. She is also the most REAL fitness badass on IG I would recommend people to follow to really bust a lot of myths and get your shit in order. ________________________________________ Other than that, just keep it real Gram fam, do you, trust your hustle and keep grinding 👊🏽 oh and if you sick, stay the hell at home and keep your cooties to ya damn self. Thanks! Lol. #work #givenofucks #zoning #liftlifestyle #educateyourdamnself #doitforyourself #invest #lift #lifestyle

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7. Motivated yet?

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'Lifting weights will make you look manly'I 'You're not a girly girl if you lift weights' 'I don't lift weights because I just want to 'tone up'' 'Girls should only do cardio, lifting is for guys' 'So what steroids are you on' 'That's way too much muscle.. For a woman' _____________________________________________ All of the above and so much more. I've heard it all. And not once because I actually cared enough to ask, 'hey, what do *you* think of *my* body?'. I never entered the gym because of what people said I 'should/ ought to/ must' look like. I went in there to get strong, to be active, to be healthy, to sweat = to feel better, and more ME. ____________________________________________ I can't remember the last time the thought of 'will this be attractive to so and so' crossed my mind in relation to myself – let alone to me lifting weight. It doesn't happen. I love me so much and that's all that matters, I am so happy (blame all the endorphins) doing what I do day in and out that all else is tuned out. This is something I've gotten better at accepting and allowing day by day. That's why you will always hear people say 'it's not just physical, it's so much more MENTAL' because to get to where you want to go, you have to look within and really be true to yourself and know that yes, this is what I'm about. This is what matters, this puts me in alignment and makes me a more joyful happy productive being. And guess what? You'll end up inspiring and encouraging and being that source for other people along the path too. I don't go around telling people they should eat healthier or lift or try to lose weight, you do you. I'll do me. If someone asks for help I will always do what I can, I recognise the quest – but you need to recognise whether the desire really is there in you or not. Why else do you think we don't see more people walking around with their Tupperware containers looking hench af? Because, if your hearts not in it, no matter how much you try – you'll never get there. Cold hard honest truth. Just like cold hard iron, work and discipline. Just wanted to share that with y'all fam. Do you 🙌🏽💛 #doyou #everyday #womenwholift #loa

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8. How about now?


9. NOW?!


10. Now that’s a whole new level!


11. How’s that even possible?! :O


12. That’s it. Gym time!

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m surely gonna stop paying the Fat Tax and hit the gym. If only I could remember where I left my membership card….

Bani, please be my personal trainer. 🙂

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