Professional Reveals Being Expected To Work During Vacation, Asks ‘Am I Going To Be Fired?’

We live in a world where ‘hustle culture’ is celebrated and taking day offs is looked down upon. Taking a break is equivalent to not working ‘hard enough’. As a result, we now have an entire generation filled with professionally burnt out youngsters.

This toxic work culture was highlighted even more when a professional took to Reddit to reveal that their boss expected them to work even when they were on vacation. The boss allegedly bombarded the professional with messages and passive-aggressive voicemails.

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“Today we are having a lazy day and I decided to flip my work phone on to see if I had any emails to start prepping for next week. I had 20 voicemails and hundreds of messages and emails with over half of them being from my manager demanding why I hadn’t zoomed in for meetings and why I wasn’t reachable,” the professional wrote.

They went on to add, “I checked my phone voicemail and the unknown number was him saying he ‘hoped there was a damn good excuse for why I was off the grid’ if I wanted to keep my job. He even started out the voicemail with ‘I’m so sorry you’re in the hospital because that’s the only reason I should be needing to hunt you down like this.’ In slack I had a few DMs from coworkers I feel I get along with saying I need to reply ASAP because my absence was impacting them with how mad our boss was.”

Have a look at the post here:

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After screenshots of the post were shared on Twitter, several people responded by sharing their toxic work experiences and expressed how ridiculous it was to be expected to work while on vacation. Have a look:

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The world is in desperate need of better work culture.

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