Woman Receives Inappropriate Texts From Rapido Driver After Midnight, Shares Screenshot

Delivery guys and drivers misusing their access to a female customer’s contact details and address is a matter of great concern. A woman’s safety is truly compromised when she receives inappropriate messages and calls from men working for different food delivery, online shopping and transport apps. In the past, many women have shared stories and screenshots of being harassed by such professionals. But it seems like these companies have not made appropriate efforts to safeguard the privacy of female customers.

Here’s a disappointing example. A woman took to Twitter to share a screenshot of multiple WhatsApp messages sent to her by a Rapido driver after 1 AM at night that were highly inappropriate. He saved her number after she sent him her live location from earlier while taking the ride.

Here’s a look at the messages:

In the messages, the Rapido driver asks her if she has slept and says that he came to pick her up only after hearing her voice and seeing her display picture. He also asks her not to call him “bhaiya” (brother).

The woman expressed her disgust at the incident and slammed the company for hiring such drivers. Have a look:

The company faced immense backlash online and several people said that they would be uninstalling the app. Some even shared similar experiences of the drivers showing inappropriate intentions.

Rapido responded to the tweet and said that they would be addressing the issue. However, there isn’t any news of the company taking action against the driver as of now.

What kind of measures do you think companies like these should take to ensure the safety and privacy of female customers?

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