Video Of Woman With Her Baby Sitting On The Floor Of A Moving Metro Sparks Debate Online

While you’re travelling via public transport, it is basic manners to offer your seat to an elderly or a person with a toddler in their arms – be it a man or a woman. But it seems like some people have forgotten this.

In an undated video shared by IAS officer Awanish Sharan, a woman can be seen sitting on the floor with a toddler on her lap inside a moving metro. What is appalling is that several other women could be seen seated around her. One would ask themselves, was there no one kind enough to offer their seat to the woman?

Sharing the video, Awanish Sharan wrote, “Your degree is just a piece of paper, if it is not reflected in your behavior.”

Have a look:

However, the video started a debate on Twitter. On one hand, people condemned such behavior and slammed the other women sitting comfortably in the metro while the mother remains seated on the floor.

On the other hand, many pointed out that the mother might have sat on the floor by choice, as it is a more comfortable position for her to take care of her baby.

What do you think of this incident?

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