Amitabh Bachchan Shares Hilarious #MereKhwabonMeinJoAaye Challenge & Twitter Is ROFL!

Amitabh Bachchan isn’t just famous for his awe-inspiring Bollywood stardom, but his humble attitude. He also has a LIT desi humour and videos he shares on social media are often a huge hit! Remember the video of the British Jhal Muri seller he shared?

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This time around, it is people dancing to the hit 90’s song “Mere Khwabon Me Jo Aaye” albeit with a twist! Scores of videos are surfacing with people bobbing their heads to the tune of this iconic song, while cleaning litter from their surroundings! Gaining traction as the #MKMJAChallenge, netizens are performing mundane garbage cleaning tasks with this groovy twist.

Big B himself enjoyed these ‘performances’ quite a lot and retweeted the video on the micro-blogging website, with yet another goofy caption, “thung ga gunka thung ga gunka thung ga gunka…..”. Needless to say, a lot of his fans chimed in with their reactions.

This video had me exclaiming WTF, yet made me laugh. I wonder if it’s the new campaign for clean India!

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