Video Of Toddler Interrupting His Mom’s ‘Me Time’ Is What Becoming A Parent Is All About

Motherhood is all about making sacrifices for your child. Moms often have to shoulder an increased workload, compromise on sleep and cut down on ‘me time’ so that they can attend to their child’s needs.

Having said that, it is also important for them to spend some time alone to ensure their own physical and mental well-being. Some moms do this by meal-prepping for the family in advance while others try and find the humour in difficult situations.

According to The Indian Express, Hillary Loveland from Michigan has a toddler named Otis. Like every other parent, she too likes to take some time off for herself. Recently, when she tried to work out at home, her son interrupted in the most hilarious manner. Check it out.

She was quoted saying,

“I originally made the video because he wasn’t leaving me alone. He was jumping all over me and not allowing me to actually work out. So I turned the camera on to film that, and got something completely different!”

People are finding the snippet of the toddler spilling milk on her mom 100% relatable. The video has now amassed 1.3 million views and 20,000 shares on Facebook.

This perfectly sums up the struggle moms face while trying to allocate time for themselves because motherhood is a 24×7 job. But they don’t give up and continue to look after themselves because happy moms raise happier kids.

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