Women Online Share The Important Things That One Should Keep In Mind While Dating

As women, we are told very little about how to handle dating and relationships. Because there is so much stigma around young women dating in many parts of the country, we forget to teach them about boundaries, self-worth, and red flags. This is why several women choose to stay in unhappy relationships because they aren’t able to distinguish between love and emotional abuse or love-bombing.

Speaking of which, women who are experienced with dating and had to learn the lesson the hard way imparted their wisdom on dating and the important things to keep in mind.

‘How to know if a guy likes you?’ – reverse uno this thought process immediately.

Please. Just. Take. Things. Slow.

When a guy says he doesn’t want anything serious, believe him.

If you catch him lying about small things, consider that a red flag.

Learn to differentiate between fantasy and reality.

Don’t do wife duties as a girlfriend.

Stop trying to ‘fix’ him.

If they are offended by them, leave.

If the other person loses interest after a while, don’t start questioning yourself.


This might be difficult, but it’s so important.

Forget what TV serials taught you.


Always, always follow your instincts.

Hope these help!

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