13 Things You Face When You’re Friends With A Talkative Person

Yap yap yap yap yap yap. If this is how your friend sounds in your head when they’re telling you a story or an incident or even their view point,

1) You are a brave person for putting up with their constant talking, and
2) You will relate to the following points.

1. You will NEVER get a chance to talk

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They will always cut you off when you’re about to speak.


2. Discussions with them are always on, about everything

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Be it any topic in the world, they will talk to you about it, readily.


3. You’re used to the fact that they’re always sharing even the smallest, most embarrassing detail with you

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Bro, that was too much information.


4. They will, without fail, tell you how their day went

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Because they HAVE to tell someone.


5. When you guys are out mingling, you will never feel out of place because they will always hold the conversation

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They are the life of the party wherever they go.


6. You can always trust them for blurting out spoilers of your favourite TV shows

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7. You have watched people say ‘ssshhh’ to them in the middle of a discussion, movie, or meeting and felt embarrassed for them

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And more often than not, you’ve said that to them yourself.


8. Because they talk so much, they actually never bother listening to you

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And that pisses you off to no end.


9. They’re very inquisitive, and they bug you (and other people) with 10,000 questions, all the time

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Would you please stop asking so many questions?


10. You call them when you need an honest opinion on anything

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You know they won’t lie to you about it.


11. You’ve watched them being sent out of class for- yes that’s right- TALKING

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And sometimes, you’ve been sent out with them.


12. And all in all, you know that one of the reasons for your friendship being so strong is the fact that there is never any dull moment with them

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Because they’ve got the gift of the gab.


13. And they make you want to open up just as much as they do

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There’s never any harm in expressing how you feel, after all. 🙂

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