Karnataka Temple Performs Special Puja To Save The World From Coronavirus

The deadly coronavirus that originated in Wuhan, China, has already claimed several lives. While people are taking precautionary measures against the dangerous virus, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared it a public health emergency of international concern.

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As scientists around the globe are trying to find a cure for the life-threatening virus, temples in Karnataka are performing pujas to save people from the fatal disease. A special puja was performed at the Shaneshwara temple and Durga Parameshwari temple in Rangana Halli village to protect people from coronavirus, reports NDTV.

“We performed this special puja on Friday to save the world from viruses and diseases like corona and H1N1,” Yashwanth Shastri, a priest was quoted saying by Business Standard.

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“Our ancestors used to perform a special puja for the betterment of society and save the world from viruses when they attacked,” he added.

The WHO has now officially named the disease COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 19). Though we doubt the puja can help, we hope the virus is contained soon and the situation improves in China.

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