Single Dad Dresses Up As ‘Mom’ For A Mother’s Day Event At Daughter’s School To Make Her Happy

As many of us might know already, one of the challenges that single parents face is trying to fill the role of two parents. Since our society believes that a child needs both a father and a mother, single dads try to be more ‘motherly’ and single moms try to be more ‘fatherly’ in certain ways to give their child the best of both worlds. It can be exhausting. I’m not even sure if it’s possible to bridge that gap.

However, in Thailand, a single father’s love towards his daughter managed to break traditional norms and one particular gesture of his touched the hearts of people across the world. He was able to slightly bridge the gap in the most adorable way – by dressing up as a ‘mom’ and showing up at a Mother’s Day event that was organized at his daughter’s school.

According to Moneycontrol, the single dad in question is Pratchaya Tadeebu who is 48 years old. For the event, he wore a dress and sported a wig with long hair to appear like a woman. He sat in front of his daughter, who touched his feet and went on to hug him.

He shared a video of this on social media and wrote, “Mother’s Day is here. A ‘mother’ I can be for you.”

Here’s a look at the video:

This remarkable single dad embarked on an extraordinary journey that blurred the lines of gender roles and embraced the pure essence of parenthood. This tale of love, acceptance, and a father’s unyielding commitment shows that a parent’s love knows no boundaries. 🙂

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