This Woman’s Sexual Harassment Allegations Were Buried By Her Firm. Here’s Her Painful Story.

The recent revelations of sexual harassment at the workplace against TVF Founder Arunabh Kumar have brought this topic back to centre stage. The revelations have received tremendous media coverage both nationwide and internationally. Moreover, several women have come forward and described their own ordeals. But will all these women coming forward actually make a significant change to the way sexual harassment is dealt with at the workplace? If the past is a reliable witness, then maybe not.

This woman shared her experience trying to battle against sexual harassment at her workplace back in 2013. She was constantly stared at, and inappropriately touched by her boss. When she decided to do something about it, the powerful forces of office politics brought her to ruin.

Here’s Valia‘s her painful story:

1. She was volunteering at an organisation in Chennai where the boss was infamous for being inappropriate with the female staff.


2. She faced repeated harassment but her colleagues asked her to simply ignore it.


3. However, one day, he went too far.


4. She wrote a post about it, gained a lot of attention, but from there on out, things started to go downhill.


5. Dirty politics prevailed throughout the organisation.


6. Soon, things got really out of hand.


7. Her boss played a dirty game and turned the tables on her.


8. Concerned for her mother’s health, she had to withdraw her complaint.


9. In fact, it came to light that this matter was much bigger than she had anticipated. Even the founder was involved.


10. Dirty office politics won over honest workplace ethics.


11. Here’s the heartless response she received for her apology.


12. When her story got out, several women immediately identified the boss.


13. Here’s her advice for all those who’ve fallen victim to such an ordeal.


14. Always speak out.


I’m sure this woman’s story is no isolated incident. Several women have gone through the same ordeal and powerful forces have completely shut them down. Can we truly call ourselves a progressive society when a crime like sexual harassment can be buried away so easily? Is this really the kind of society we want we live in?

If this is going to be the fate of every woman who is brave enough to come forward and speak out against sexual harassment, I would be truly disappointed.

All images taken from: Twitter

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