Remember The ‘Unicorn Doggo’? Rescue Centre Announces Plans To Keep Him Following Death Threats

Every dog lover would agree on how the tiny furballs take our hearts away with their ‘glittery eyes’ and naughtiness. This cute ‘unicorn puppy’ Narwhal, who was rescued by a pet foundation named Mac’s Mission in southeast Missouri, US last month made all the animal lovers go weak in their knees when they saw his cute face with a tail growing on his forehead.

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The foundation had earlier posted pictures of him requesting people to donate to the strays. Soon after which the abandoned puppy Narwhal, who took over the internet received hundreds of adoption applications from across the world, more than 300 offers to be precise. However, the big news is-the rescue centre will be keeping the unicorn puppy with them, reported News18. The foundation in the Facebook page ‘Mac the pitbull’ wrote that they would train Narwhal to be the new spokesdog for Mac’s Mission.

“He drew international attention when his picture hit social media, prompting all the adoption offers but also some negative attention, including death threats,” said Rochelle Steffen, founder of the Mac’s Mission. The ‘stupid, ugly comments (online) about this sweet little puppy’ raised concern over his security and prompted her to keep the puppy with them.

Steffen further added:

“If somebody is going to make money off of him, I would love to see it go toward the rescue and save thousands of more dogs. People have made giant offers to buy him, but he’s not for sale.”

Obviously, Narwhal’s personality and his ‘happy vibes’ also convinced her to not give up on him. “It’s not just a decision from me, The whole rescue cannot fathom him leaving. We all fell in love with him,” she said.

They have also received 17,836 messages from people asking them to keep him ‘so everyone can watch him grow up.’ Their long-term plan is to make him a therapy dog. For now, Steffen and her team are concentrating on letting Narwhal grow, and ‘getting him fully vaccinated and socialized.’

When we came to know about the ‘Little Magical Furry Unicorn’, our hearts melted like warm cheese. It is great that the rescue centre is thinking of the well-being of the doggo and not letting him go in the wrong hands.

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