Ratna Pathak Talks About The Comeback Of ‘Sarabhai Vs. Sarabhai’ And OMG We’re Excited!

Audiences across the country were delighted when it was announced that the iconic sitcom ‘Sarabhai vs. Sarabhai’ was making a comeback as a web series. However, Ratna Pathak Shah, who played the role of Maya Sarabhai in the original series, had some caveats about the same.

Ratna Pathak Shah says that since the original was such a stellar success, the script for the series comeback must be of an even higher calibre, if it wants to see the same level of success. 

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“Things have changed in the 10 years that we’ve been away and we need to acknowledge that. We need to be extremely well-prepared to come back with something better. If not, then we shouldn’t come back at all.”

The quality of content on the web has grown tremendously over the last 5 years and is only getting better.


Also, since it’ll be a web series, there would be relatively fewer restrictions in terms of censorship. Ratna believes that censorship is a pointless endeavour and had a lot to say about the censor board. 

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“Yes, there need to be guidelines, and one can’t say and do certain things. But besides that, if the censor board doesn’t support the artists who are creating content, I think it shows great immaturity and insecurity as a part of society. It means that we don’t trust each other.”

Without the overbearing watchful eye of the censor board, will the iconic series make a comeback with even better scripting? I certainly hope so!

News Source: Hindustan Times 

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