PM Modi To Address The Nation At 10 AM Tomorrow As COVID-19 Cases Rise To 9152

After the success of the ‘Janata Curfew,’ PM Narendra Modi addressed the entire nation for the second time and announced a 21-day lockdown, starting March 25. Since then, people have been eagerly waiting for April 14, the day when the lockdown will come to an end.

And according to Hindustan Times, he will address the nation again tomorrow to give us an insight into the current coronavirus situation in the country.

As reported by The Hindu, PM Modi had a meeting with the chief ministers of the country earlier this week and urged them to extend the lockdown by at least a fortnight.

And since then, many states including Telangana, Maharashtra, Odisha and West Bengal have already extended the lockdown till April 30.

There have been a lot of speculations that PM Modi might extend the country-wide lockdown, given the fact that the numbers of COVID-19 positive cases are rising at an alarming rate.

As of now, the number of cases in India has reached 9,152, however, 856 of them have already recovered from it. The death toll, however, stands at 308. We hope PM Modi comes up with an infallible plan that will help us eradicate the virus completely from the country. Let’s hope for the best.

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