18-Year-Old Pakistani Teen Developed An Anti-Blue Whale App And Here’s What You Should Know


Lurking in the dark alleys of the web, the Blue Whale Challenge has been the prime cause of many deaths amongst the teens across the globe and has influenced so many young minds. Some countries have banned the game.

But, there is one Blue Whale game that has emerged from the darkness and is spreading positivity. Developed by an eighteen-year-old Pakistani boy, Waseem Gul, there is an anti-Blue Whale app.

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According to Parhlo, like the original app this too has 50 tasks, but unlike the lethal-life-staking-app, it has really positive tasks. Like,

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-Do 10 Pushups
-Wake up at 6:00 a.m.
-When you wake up, Don’t move from the bed for 10 minutes
-Touch your nose using your right thumb.
-Slice a fresh onion and try not to cry while doing it
-Eat a donut but don’t lick your fingers/lips afterwards
-Eat 1 BIG tablespoon of pure ketchup (don’t do it if you are allergic-use mustard *half spoon*)
-Help your parents with a household chore
-Remember – Helping others without interest is cool
-Do something special today (Example: Buy food for homeless, help your siblings)


But it is the message after the 50th task that is heart-winning. It reads,

Congratulations you have become a Smart BlueWhale. Remember your life is a precious gift don’t waste it on strange challenges you find on the internet. The world is full of strange people, some of them will try to scare you in order to make you do odd things, if something like this happens to you, inform your parents or adults that you trust. Stay healthy and happy blue whale grand master.”


Now, this is one app everyone approves of and challenge that will foster a positive approach in young minds, isn’t it? Being a brainchild of a teen, this comes as a refreshing change. This app is available on Mediafire and has been online since a week.

Oh, this is not Gul’s first app, BTW. In the past too, Waseem has made Android Apps which enabled users to watch and earn money. The kid is brilliant and we are lauding for the positivity he’s trying to spread.

Source: Nation.pk

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