These Pictures Of Pakistani Sikh Men Distributing ‘Iftar’ To Muslims Is Winning The World

Only a 4 letter word has the power to change the world. L-O-V-E.

And no community in the world understands it better than the Sikh community. Only a few months back they provided food to the courageous men and women at the Women’s March. And only days ago, they opened the Gurudwara doors to the helpless victims of the Manchester attacks, giving them free food and free rides.

Yet again, the Sikh community in Pakistan has come together to distribute ‘iftar’ to their Muslim friends. Iftar is the meal Muslims eat after sunset during Ramadan. And the pictures are winning hearts not in Pakistan, but everywhere in the world.

1. The bond of brotherhood.


2. Being human bonds us together!


3. This selfless act of love doesn’t hurt.


4. The sooner we understand the better…


5. From cold drinks to beat the summer heat to food, everything was being served.


6. This says it all!


As expected, the people of Pakistan lauded the effort and the spirit of brotherhood –

1. This is humanity.


2. Love conquers all!


3. The world will take heed.


4. Let love prevail!

In the world where all we hear is bad news, this sets an immaculate example of brotherhood. This proves that we DO live in a world that is capable of love.

All pictures have been taken by Tars Foundation FB page

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