Women Discuss The Things They’d Do If There Were No Men On Earth For A Day

Don’t wear short clothes. Don’t go out late at night. Take someone with you. Carry a pepper spray. These are some of the many things that women hear only because of their gender. Sadly, society has normalized teaching these rules to women, but living without these notions would probably feel like a welcome change.

Continuing this line of thought further, a Redditor suggested a hypothetical situation and asked women what they would do if men disappeared for 24 hours.

Here are some of the top responses women had:

1. Being able to wear whatever I want (or don’t want)

2. Work out and play outside

3. Venture out at night, in the woods, at bars, etc. without the fear of sexual assault.

4. Change the laws and free women.

5. Others admitted that they would be worried about the good, supportive men in their families.

Ladies, what would you do in such a scenario? Tell us in the comments section.

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