MP Residents Turn Crater-Like Pothole Into A Beach To Protest Against Awful Quality Of Roads

Come monsoons and you will find Indians driving inside crater-like holes because ‘road kahan hai?’ Several incidents of major accidents and deaths also rise. And this is not the case with only small towns. Bigger cities like Bengaluru and Mumbai also face this inconvenience.

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And since desis are known for their jugaad and wit, the residents of Anuppur district of Madhya Pradesh came up with a creative idea to shame the authorities for making such pathetic roads.

The agitated residents turned a giant pothole on the road into a ‘beach’. In a video that’s now going viral, the residents can be seen having a gala time on their man-made beach. They even placed plants and brought chairs to replicate the look and feel of sitting by a beach.

One of them was also seen enjoying the mahool while soaking his feet in the muddy water, donning a beach hat, and sipping on chilled beverages.

Even though this video might tickle your funny bones, the intention behind this was to bring the authority’s attention to the awful quality of roads in the vicinity.

Watch the video of this unique and chilled-out protest:

People online started playing the blame game in the comments section. Some had this to say about the idea:

Hours ago, a 37-year-old biker died, thanks to a pothole at Ghodbunder Road in Mumbai. Potholes are killing lives. Can the authorities be more efficient and vigilant for the sake of humanity?

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